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1) Join our Facebook Page and recommend that your friends do the same.
2) Share this website in your Facebook news feed
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4) Tweet this site to your followers (must be already logged in)
5) Think of the people outside of your social media circles, friends or family who religiously watch the Sunday shows or care about politics or journalism. Contact them as well.

If you need a shortened hyperlink for the site, use http://j.mp/fixMTP

Campaigns like this are most successful when they “go viral”. Your help spreading the word is essential in that. Thanks for helping us help everyone Meet The Facts.

Have an idea how this effort could work better? Maybe an article we should post?
Email us: meetthefactsATgmailDOTcom

And please remember this is a non-partisan campaign. No political party has a monopoly on truth, and facts are always neutral.

Meet The Facts