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Tag: Robert Gibbs

The following is a fact-check from the July 11, 2010 episode of Meet the Press:

ROBERT GIBBS (White House Press Secretary)

1) The US currently produces 2% of the world’s batteries – TRUE

2) As a result of Recovery Act investment, met with private capital, the US will [are projected to] manufacture 40% of the world’s batteries by 2015 – TRUE

MR. GIBBS: The president will travel this week to Holland, Michigan. Michigan, everybody in this country knows, is, is, is home to auto manufacturing in a big way. But what the president’s going to go visit is the ninth of nine advanced battery manufacturing plants–this will be a ground breaking–that will create jobs, that will supply advanced batteries for the Chevy Volt, an electric car that Chevy’s going to manufacture and will get a hundred miles on a single charge. This is the ninth of nine that’s are–as a result of that recovery act plan. Just in 2010, we produced 2 percent of the world’s advanced batteries. In other words, to produce something like the Chevy Volt, we were going to have to bring batteries in from overseas. As a result of this Recovery Act investment that is met with private capital, in just five years, by 2015, we’ll manufacture 40 percent of the world’s batteries. That creates the jobs of tomorrow. So we have a choice. Are we going to go back to the movie that we’ve already seen and we know the results, or are we going to look forward?

1) According to a Department of Energy report released on July 14, 2010, which discusses the Obama administration’s stimulus grants to battery and electric vehicle plants, the United States had only two factories manufacturing advanced vehicle batteries and produced less than two percent of the world’s advanced vehicle batteries. Also, according to the Department of Energy, 98% of the lithium-ion batteries that power personal electronics are made in Asia and 99% of the batteries that power America’s hybrid cars are made in Japan. We rate Robert Gibbs’s statement TRUE.

2) According to the same Department of Energy report, by 2015 40% of the world’s advanced vehicle batteries should be produced in the U.S. Here is the Department of Energy:

In 2009, the United States had only two factories manufacturing advanced vehicle batteries and produced less than two percent of the world’s advanced vehicle batteries. By 2012, thanks in part to the Recovery Act, 30 factories will be online and the U.S. will have the capacity to produce 20 percent of the world’s advanced vehicle batteries. By 2015, this share will be 40 percent.

We rate Robert Gibbs’s statement TRUE.

Special thanks to crowd-sourcer Shelley9595 for assisting with this fact-check.

This fact-check took (at least) a combined 2 hours.

The following is a fact-check from the June 27, 2010 episode of Meet the Press.


1) White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel appeared on Meet the Press on June 20, 2010 – FALSE

2) Last week White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel reiterated the Obama administration’s plan to begin withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan in mid-2011 – TRUE

3) The president’s spokesperson [Robert Gibbs] said, regarding the date for the beginning of withdrawal, “It’s etched in stone, and he has the chisel” – TRUE

SEN. McCAIN: Rahm Emanuel on your program last, last Sunday reiterated the commitment to leaving middle of 2011. The president’s spokesperson said, “It’s etched in stone, and he has the chisel.”

A few more quick Sen. McCain checks to round out what has turned into “McCain Day” here at Meet the Facts:

1) This one is pretty minor but we’ll point it out anyway. Rahm Emanuel did not appear on Meet the Press on June 20, 2010, he appeared on ABC’s This Week with host (and fact-check proponent) Jake Tapper. Though this is most likely a harmless misstatement, Sen. McCain’s statement is obviously FALSE.

2) However, on This Week Rahm Emanuel did in fact reiterate the Obama administration’s date of mid-year 2011 to begin the withdrawal of troops. Thus, we rate Sen. McCain’s statement TRUE.

3) According to CBS news, the White House spokesperson Robert Gibbs did report the President saying the withdrawal date is etched in stone and that the President even has the chisel. Thus, we will rate Sen. McCain’s statement TRUE.

This fact-check took a combined 1 hour.